как понять russianpost


  • 33,5 % — финансовые услуги;
  • 27 % — письменная корреспонденция;
  • 18 % — Посылки и отправления EMS;
  • 10 % — розничная торговля;
  • 8,5 % — прочие доходы;
  • Конверты с оригинальной маркой, выпущенные «Почтой России» в честь традиционного международного симпозиума «Почтовая тройка» (Санкт-Петербург)
  • «Почтовая связь — инфраструктура современного общества»,Санкт-Петербург, 4—7 сентября 2001 года (СК #104). Художник А. Батов
  • «Санкт-Петербург — 300», Санкт-Петербург, 2003 (СК #123).Художники А. Батов, А. Земцова


  • 87 branches;
  • 41,901 post offices.
  • EMS Russian Post;
  • Automated sorting centres – branch office of Russian Post;
  • Hybrid mail centres – branch office of FSUE Russian Post;
  • Russian Post – FSUE Russian Post in Berlin.


A 1958 stamp of the Soviet Union depicting a 16th-century mail courier, issued for the 100th anniversary of Russian postage stamps

Records mention a system of messengers in the 10th century. Early letters were carried in the form of a roll, with a wax or lead seal; the earliest known of these seals dates from 1079, and mentions a governor Ratibor of Tmutarakan.

By the 16th century, the postal system included 1,600 locations, and mail took three days to travel from Moscow to Novgorod. In 1634, a peace treaty between Russia and Poland established a route to Warsaw, which became Russia’s first regular international service.

Peter the Great enacted reforms making the postal system more uniform in its operations, and in 1714 the first general post offices opened in Saint Petersburg and Moscow. “Regular post service” was established along the Moscow and Riga routes. In February 1714, the postal service started biweekly runs from St. Petersburg to Riga; in June of that year it started runs from St. Petersburg to Moscow. The field post office was founded in 1716, and the so-called ordinary post service in 1720, for fast conveyance of state ordinances and papers. Regular delivery of private parcels (the so-called heavy post) was organized in the 1730s and ’40s. In 1746, parcels and private correspondence were first delivered by courier, and starting in 1781 money, too, could be delivered to one’s door. The earliest known Russian postmark dates from July 1765; it is a single line reading “ST. PETERSBOVRG” (in Latin letters), but the first official recommendation to use postmarks did not come until 1781.

Post coaches appeared in 1820. In 1833, the St. Petersburg City Post was created, and the city was divided into 17 districts with 42 correspondence offices located in trade stores. In 1834, reception offices appeared in the suburbs (in St. Petersburg there were as many as 108). Delivery of printed periodicals was organized in St. Petersburg in 1838. The Department of Coaches and T-carts was opened in 1840 at the Moika Embankment; light cabriolets carried surplus-post, coaches delivered light post, and T-carts dealt with “heavy” post. Green street mail boxes were installed in 1848, the same year stamped envelopes were issued; orange mailboxes for same day service appeared near railway stations in 1851, with the first prepaid postage stamps appearing in 1857.

Post and telegraph office in Vladivostok, built in 1897-1899

During World War II, known in Russia as the Great Patriotic War, Soviet postal service was a part of the People’s Commissariat for Communications of the USSR. It delivered up to 70 million parcels per month to the Soviet Army front from the rear under extremely difficult and often very dangerous conditions. In the postwar years, mail service has undergone quantitative and qualitative changes. In 1946, the People’s Commissariat for Communications was transformed into the USSR Ministry of Communications. Postal service has been carried out by the Post Office, which was part of the Ministry of Communications, along with other offices of telecommunications industries. By 1950, the postal industry, destroyed by the war, was restored to the pre-war level.

Stamps with the logo of Russian Post.

In 1993 Russian Post became a part of Ministry of Communications. In 1995, the office was reorganized as the Russian Federation Postal Service, and in 1996 it was reorganized into the Department of Post in the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation. Russian postal enterprises had operating and commercial independence, but with strong competition from former partnering telecommunication companies.

In 1996, the Ministry of Communications for the first time decided to end the state postal monopoly on some postal services, resulting in Russia having commercial mailing companies.

Since the Soviet Union dissolved, the Federal Postal Service consisted of a network of 90 disparate entities which were mainly listed as state institutions or federal state unitary enterprises. In legal terms, they were completely independent concerns. They were linked to the Federal Postal Network only by a trunk intrazonal and inter-district transmission and delivery system. Different parts of the same system, connected by a single mechanism in adjacent regions, were in outright competition with each other, trying to lure corporate clients away from other competitors even if it involved an operating loss. There were no uniform budgeting, planning or other processes. These companies operated using outdated postal facilities representing as many as 50 different IT solutions in terms of industry technology. In accordance with the concept of restructuring the federal postal service, adopted by the government decree on 28 June 2002, the postal industry in the Russian Federation carried out the reorganization, aimed at creating a unified, efficient and competitive company — the Federal Unitary Enterprise Russian Post — able to make a significant contribution to the solution of urgent problems while accelerating development of the economy.

Russian Post delivery truck (GAZelle)

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Флаг Федеральной службы почтовой связи РФ (ФСПС России), одной из структур-предшественниц ФГУП «Почта России»

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1 октября 2019 года создано акционерное общество «Почта России». Все процедуры проведены в срок согласно федеральному закону № 171-ФЗ «Об особенностях реорганизации федерального государственного унитарного предприятия „Почта России“, основах деятельности акционерного общества „Почта России“ и о внесении изменений в отдельные законодательные акты Российской Федерации».

30 марта 2022 года почта приостановила прием отправлений в Польшу и Данию.

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